STILLMEADOW, Inc. – Drug Development, Toxicology, Animal Health
STILLMEADOW, Inc. specializes in conducting honey bee, Apis mellifera, toxicology testing according to EPA OCSPP and OECD Ecological Effects Test Guidelines. Honey bee non target oral and contact testing is conducted year round excluding the coldest winter months. For testing, newly emerged adult worker bees are collected the day of dosing from STILLMEADOW, Inc. hives. Oral testing is done with microbials, biopesticides (OCSPP 885.4380), and conventional chemicals (OECD 213). Contact testing (OCSPP 850.3020) and (OECD 214) is conducted with pesticides and other conventional chemicals primarily.
The honey bees are administered the MPCA test substance ad libitum as part of their diet for 30 days or until control mortality exceeds 20%. Additional groups dosed include; an inactive group dosed with the MPCA that is inactived by autoclaving, a group is dosed with the MPCA sterile filtrate vacuum filtered through a 0.4 micron filter, and an untreated control group for comparison.
The honey bees are administered the test substance ad libitum as part of their diet for four hours and mortality is assessed at 4, 24, and 48 hours.
The honey bees are administered the test substance topically to the dorsal side of their thorax using a microapplicator. They are then placed in a container with diet for four hours and mortality is assessed at 4, 24, and 48 hours.