STILLMEADOW, Inc. promotes the highest standards of animal welfare and use and is committed to the safe, humane, and responsible treatment of all animals used for research and instruction. Our dedication to ethical practices is demonstrated through a series of rigorous protocols and oversight mechanisms.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Our IACUC plays a crucial role in upholding these standards.
The committee reviews and, if warranted, investigates concerns involving the care and use of animals.
Handling of Concerns
Concerns may arise from reports of noncompliance submitted by employees.
Publicly submitted complaints or concerns are also taken seriously and thoroughly investigated.
Reporting Process
The Animal Welfare Program at STILLMEADOW, Inc. encourages prompt reporting of concerns related to animal welfare either orally or in writing. Allegations should be made in good faith with specific complaints accompanied by supporting documentation when possible, to allow for a thorough investigation of concerns. All reported concerns, regardless of how they are reported, will be brought to the attention of the full IACUC and investigated. Reports can be communicated anonymously.
Contact Information
Concerns regarding the use of animals in research may be directed by phone to any member of the IACUC at 281-240-8828.
Concerns may be mailed to:
Provide all information possible including species, location, (Bldg, Room), names of individuals involved, and time of incident or observation.
If you wish to be contacted, please provide contact information (optional). If contact information is not provided, submission will remain anonymous.
NOTE: The Federal Animal Welfare Act prohibits the discrimination or reprisal against any person reporting a violation of animal welfare regulations or standards. The Animal Welfare Act Regulations provide that “No facility employee, Committee member, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting violations of any regulations or standards under the Act.” (9 CFR § 2.32(c)(4)).